Letter 1 - The Kashmir Boy

Letter backline :- A very brave, honest and obedient soldier is stuck in Kashmir due to Kashmir conflict which was a territorial conflict over the Kashmir region, primarily between India and Pakistan, with China playing a third-party role in 1947 after independence and this is his letter written to his parents on 13th January and received on 9th February.

Dear Father & Mother,

13th January, 1947

Namaste. How are you baba ? Hope you are fine. Did you take amma to hospital?

Dad, I am sorry to inform but my holiday has been cancelled.

I know… It's the 3­rd time my holiday has been cancelled.

But baba as you always say…

"उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि"

Our camp is in the hills of Kashmir. The view here is beautiful. Snow covered mountains reaching for the skies. Wild fruit trees with inedible yet very beautiful fruits.

Wolfs, foxes, snow dogs are quite often and I even have two dogs which I made friends with.

In this journey to Kashmir I was very observant. These animals we often shoo off share a feeling of respect, willingness, kindness, hospitality and compassion.

My wild friends often when meet me are willing to share their food even though they know the fact that it is their hard earned food and they don't get food everyday like we do.

But when these ever beautiful creatures are set on fire, the trees are set on fire just for the sake of nothing it makes my blood boil.

These rebellions I saw in my late years were horrible, worse than any of the riots.

Anyways why am I…

Oh whatever. Sir has called us for a meeting and ya I won't be able to write to you for some time. Maybe some days, some weeks, months but I will write to you once I am free.

Dad… Thank you for all you have done for me. I love you.

With love,



Today (9th February) Sid's amma had passed away and dad stood reading the letter on the footstep of his little hut.

He turned back and went in as he folded the letter and put it back in the envelope.

Soon enough the postman yelled, "Dadaji… There is another speed post for you. Here take this."

He handed over the letter.

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

This is General Shersingh. I am very sorry to inform you that your brave son Siddharth Roy has been transferred to the great honorable position of martyrdom.

Your son was a hero sir before he died his last words were to one of his mates -


And he died smiling.

We are very sorry for your loss.


General Shersingh.


Tears rolled down dad's cheek. They were filled with memories of past. Dad collapsed and set off towards his wife and son to live a retired life.

Thank you.


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