Letter 2 - The Run away

Letter Backline - A Letter by a girl to her guardians. (People who looked after her after her parents passed away) She claims her freedom and does not want to be pressurized and hence has run away by the torture to pursue her dreams.

Dear Chacha,

1st March, 1920

You have taken good care of me; but troubled me more. But now is enough. I have never been able to speak the truth to you in the fear of you beating me. For 12 years, that is 4380 days I have been eating one burnt chapati and salt less sabji.

Today I am free and I would really like you to know what all I have suffered from.

After papa and ma died you took me only because I was pretty.

You force me to study all day, "Become a doctor it will pay good." you say.

But is everything money? I am pretty sure for a man like you it is. But everyone is not like you and thus I am going to explore the world with better people than you.

You want to get me married and get a lot of dowry.

But who marries an uneducated girl these days?

But chacha did you for once ask me what I wanted to do?

I don't like studying it makes me sleepy. Those letters, numbers and corpses come to kill me in my dreams

I am a very passionate painter. Even though painting does

not pay well, it gives me happiness and satisfaction.

I like a boy from college (The only thing good from college.)

He has a one roomed flat and a descent amount of salary to fill our stomachs.

But most importantly, I like him and he likes me too. He is the only person who has truly loved me after mom and dad.

For once in lifetime if you are worried for me. Let me tell you I am going to be fine and thank you.

Thanks for all you have done chacha and chachi.




  1. Wow. 13 yr old child writing romantic stories. Amazing! Truly unbelievable! That was beyond imagination for me. Very good likhit.

  2. Nice story, Lihit write more & more. We bless you


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