Secrets In The Shadows

Chapter 1: Welcome to your Nightmare

Jenna had always been fascinated by crime novels and murder mysteries. She loved nothing more than curling up with a good book and trying to solve the mystery before the protagonist did. So when her family moved to the small town of Ravenswood, she was excited to start a new chapter in her life and maybe even find some inspiration for her writing.

As they drove down the deserted country road, Jenna felt a thrill of excitement mixed with apprehension. Ravenswood was not like any other small town she had seen before. The houses were old and creaky, the streets were poorly lit, and there was an eerie silence that hung over the place.

Her parents had inherited a small bed and breakfast from her grandfather, who had passed away recently. They thought it would be a good idea to move there and start a new business. Jenna, on the other hand, was not so sure.

As they pulled up to the bed and breakfast, Jenna's apprehension turned to full-blown fear. The old building looked like something straight out of a horror movie. The windows were boarded up, the paint was peeling, and the front door looked like it hadn't been opened in years.

Jenna's mother tried to reassure her, telling her that they would fix up the place and make it their own. But Jenna couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She felt like they were walking into a nightmare.

As they stepped inside, Jenna's fears were confirmed. The place was a mess. There were cobwebs everywhere, the furniture was covered in dust, and the air was musty and stale.

But that wasn't the worst of it. As Jenna walked through the empty rooms, she felt like she was being watched. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something hiding in the shadows, waiting to pounce.

As she climbed the stairs to her new bedroom, Jenna couldn't help but wonder what kind of secrets this old building held. And with a sinking feeling in her stomach, she realized that she might be in for more than she bargained for in Ravenswood.

Chapter 2: A Strange Discovery

Jenna tossed and turned in her bed that night, unable to shake the feeling that something was off in the old bed and breakfast. The sounds of creaking floorboards and distant whispers echoed through the halls, only adding to her anxiety.

As she lay there, Jenna's thoughts drifted to the previous owner of the bed and breakfast, her grandfather. She had never met him, as he had passed away before she was born, but she had heard rumors that he was a recluse who kept to himself and rarely left the property.

Suddenly, she was startled out of her thoughts by a loud thump coming from the room next door. Jenna quickly got out of bed and cautiously made her way to the source of the noise. As she approached the door, she noticed that it was slightly ajar.

With a shaking hand, Jenna pushed the door open and peered inside. The room was empty, but something caught her eye. On the dusty nightstand sat an old, leather-bound journal. Jenna felt drawn to it and reached out to pick it up.

As she opened the journal, she noticed that the pages were filled with her grandfather's cramped, spidery handwriting. The entries were mostly mundane, detailing the day-to-day tasks of running a bed and breakfast. But as Jenna continued to read, she noticed something odd. Several pages had been torn out, leaving gaping holes in the journal's narrative.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Jenna set out to find the missing pages. She searched the room from top to bottom, looking for any sign of them, but they were nowhere to be found.

As she headed back to her own room, Jenna couldn't drop the idea, that there was something important in those missing pages. She resolved to find out what her grandfather had been hiding and what secrets the old bed and breakfast held.

Little did she know that her curiosity would lead her down a dangerous path, one that would put her in the middle of a murder investigation that had been buried for years.

To Be Continued...


  1. Gripping story with vivid imagination and imagery and unputdownable storyline, waiting to get the complete picture. Loved it totally 💕

  2. This story had me till the very end
    Good job
    Waiting for the full story

  3. We want part 2 soon, inspired me for writing a story


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