Ch1 Part 3 Adventures of Sophia 

"Sophia in Mt. Chingotle" 

It was a small boy sitting on the ground behind the bushes. He was wearing a hand woven skirt of pine leaves and was naked on the torso. He was crying bitterly holding his leg. Sophia took a look under his leg. There was a thorn of about 1 inch pricked in his leg.

He continued shouting.

Sophia bent and took an estimation of the depth of the thorn and then gently took it out.

The boy was so lost in his pain that he did not realize the presence of Sophia until she took the thorn out.

After she removed the thorn the boy gently looked up.

Sophia asked, "Is it fine now?"

The boy did not reply but gave a sweet smile and ran away. Sophia cried out for the boy and ran after him but she was no match to his speed.

She soon reached to a small settlement. She was bewildered by the scenario.

It was dawn by then.

She had to admit that it was more beautiful than her village.

Trees all around, little children swinging on the hanging roots of the banyan tree, Women catching fish in front of a huge and beautiful waterfall, men collecting the fallen fruits which seemed to look like apples and guavas, and there were many more which were unknown to her.

While she was looking around, the boy from earlier came and pulled her towards a hut, it was small but well built.

His mother was cooking inside. He pulled Sophia in and gave his mother a call. His mother, without looking said something. Sophia did not understand but the boy seemed to understand. He then again called, And furiously his mother looked back. She saw Sophia and said,

"Who are you? Come sit." There was a weird accent in her speaking.

Sophia said "I am Sophia and I am in search of Pluro flower"

"Do you mean the Pluro flower which grows only on the peak of this mountain?"

"Yes" she replied

"Mind if I ask which language you were speaking with your son?" Sophia asked curiously.

The woman replied laughingly "Of course not it is called the chingees language we started speaking English only after…"

She was cut in middle of her sentence. A man of about 6 feet walked in. He was probably her husband. He came till the door and was about to step in but saw Sophia and did not step in, instead he called his wife out. They had a conversation and from the facial expressions they both looked happy.

That man went running outside the house and soon reached out of sight.

Sophia ignored that incident and gave a look at a toy made of wood in the boy's hand.

It was very beautiful more beautiful than her plastic made doll.

The boy realized this and offered a toy to Sophia. She was very happy and kept the toy in her bag.

By then the boy's mother had came back in.

Sophia said, "I must leave now I have very little time left"

"Oh! don’t be silly stay for a while and attend tonight's carnival"

Sophia could not resist and decided to stay.

Soon it was night and preparation for the carnival begun. It was so beautiful.

After the preparations were done the festival begun. Sophia was garlanded with garland made out of fruits; the villagers had also made a tiara of twigs for her.

She was brought before a massive and enormous door. The door was opened. She looked around. It was an open area and looked like a cricket ground. The door behind her suddenly closed. She was confused and had no idea of what was happening.

To be continued… 


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What was happening? Would you like to know? Read my next part of my blog to know what happened?

Thank you for reading.


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