Ch1 Part 4 Adventures of Sophia
"Sophia in Mt. Chingotle" 

There was a beautiful big pot kept on many logs of wood. Suddenly the place lit up with fire torches and people began assembling in the surrounding place to sit. She looked around and saw a man standing whose back was towards Sophia.

A tribal exclaimed, "O mother of all, and the goddess of the gods." He then paused and then continued "Accept our gift of this girl"

Sophia then looked up in surprise.

The tribals ordered Sophia to go into the pot full of some kind of sticky soup. She clearly refused. Then the man who was standing with his back facing Sophia turned towards her and yelled at her. He screamed, "hey you foolish…." And he paused.

He focused at Sophia's neck and saw the locket on her neck which no one had noticed before.

He suddenly ordered the tribal guards to release Sophia and went towards her and started kissing her.

"Who are you?" Sophia cried pushing him away.

"Your father my child" he said

It was her father; the one who had gone to Mt. Chingotle and had never returned.

"Father" She exclaimed with joy. And then thought something and said, "If you were alive why didn't you come back home?" He said, "Um…uh…"

"Because of me" a girl said entering the stadium or whatever it was.

"What do you mean?" Asked Sophia confusingly.

Her father was trying to say something but couldn't.

"Your father has married me" said the girl.

"You are not the same person my mother told me tales of" said Sophia angrily.

"Guards keep this girl into the dungeon" said the girl

Sophia was taken to the dungeon and was kept there.

It was midnight by now. Sophia was crying bitterly in the dungeon. Suddenly there was a movement and a shadow. She became alert and she saw that the small boy from before came there crying and looked at Sophia and then took a stone and started breaking the dungeon's gate. Soon enough the dungeon's gate was broken. Sophia was pretty impressed by his stamina and speed.

He had a leaf in his hand; he handed it to Sophia. Something was written on it. She began reading,

"Dear Sofia,

We are really sorry about what we did to you. We sacrificed our guest for a ritual. We know you won't believe us at all after what we did to you. But hope you understand…


One day hosts' "

She was filled with tears but controlled her emotions and then realized how much time she had left.

She first went to her place where she decided to spend her night and then started climbing further.

It was dawn now Sophia was wondering what would be her father's expressions when he found out that she was missing.

Thinking of her father she became very sad.

Suddenly while she was in her thoughts she slipped and fell but guess what, she was held by some thing, something gentle.


To be continued… 

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What happened what was it? Want to know?

Read my net blog to know and yes!! Next blog is the last part of this story.


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