Today (21/10/2020) is my hero's that is my father's birthday. This is the smallest gift I can ever give to. Please accept it.

!!Happy Birthday!!

Also view my another gift on -


☺☻Father's Advice☻☺

        Once upon a time in a town of Mumbai. There lived a family in a chaw. There were three members in the family. Rohan's newly married wife Parvati and Rohan's ill father Mr. Govind

Rohan had got bad friends who misled him and lost all his money and now Rohan as finding it difficult to manage his house.

He had still not learnt his lesson. Following the advice of his misleading friends he had now got into the job of smuggling drugs.

He still could not bear the expenses and it was hard for him to make ends meet.

But he thought that he will be able to survive in luxury if he beared the expenses of only two people and decided to give poison to his father and told the same to her wife in the kitchen. But there was only one problem, he didn't have enough money to buy even poison.

But a co-incidence he found some money in his drawer just enough to buy poison.

The next day while he was going to the medical store…

He saw the police and the police saw him too. He ran back home the fastest speed he could and the police followed him.

He climbed up the stairs as soon he could and was out of breath. He told his wife the matter as soon as he could. He also told her that they demanded money.

His father was hearing all this and called out for the son and said, "I want to tell you something"

"Please keep quite father are you going to give me money?" Said the son frustratingly.

"I can't give you money but I can give you an advice. Tell the police truth and surrender yourself." - Govind

"And why should I do that I will manage money and get out of this mess" - Rohan

"Giving money will just get you out of this mess but telling the truth will give you peace of mind, inner satisfaction and the feeling of doing something good" - Govind

This was convincing enough for Rahul. He started going down but Govind called him again.

"Son a secret I want to tell you I don’t know if you I will be alive after you come from jail." - Govind

"Don’t say that father please tell me I can't wait long to do a good deed"

"I kept the money in your drawer to buy poison for me. I couldn’t see pain in your eyes"

"Oh father… I love you and will surely see after my visit to the jail Good bye Parvati, Good bye Father."




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