👻👻Ghosts Fact Or Fiction👻👻

Ranger is a developing writer. He is reading and learning and writing and just loves to do it. Just like he always did he was reading a book by 'The Nick Samson' and was kind of lost in it and to finish off he read the last sentence of the book -

"After all, all that happens is for good."

'Mr. Samson is probably right.' Thought Ranger.

'A human must see good in everything and the same fact keeps people happy.'

But the problem was he couldn't think of a topic to write on.

Anyways, Ranger left the house to have a stroll, after all he was tired sitting as he finished the book in one go. He was carrying his gold plated pen which his mom had gifted him on his birthday.

Ranger felt too proud to have a gold pen and hung it on his shirt's pocket.

But he didn't see the problems coming. A chain snatcher's eye caught the glamorous look of the pen and he made an attempt to snatch the pen.

But thank goodness Ranger was good at sensing and moved aside and started running away.

He ran and ran and ran and the snatcher followed him.

Ranger was almost out of breath.

Suddenly he stumbled upon a stone and vanished in front of the snatcher's eyes.

It was just like Ranger went into the fourth dimension.

The snatcher got scared and ran away.

Ranger felt unconscious and woke up from the ground where he had been transported. He was in a disgusting place. He turned around and…and…

Oh! He wished he hadn't turned around.

There was a hovering creature wearing torn hood such that its face was not visible. It was covered in blood which had now dried.

"Are Y…You a…a GHOST?!"

"Yes… kiddo…" said the ghost in a dreary voice.

Ranger was scared and murmured quietly, "This aint happened for any good."

Ranger was a curious boy and he couldn't wait anymore and he asked the ghost.

"So… what you plan to do with me? Roast me? Or eat me alive?"

The ghost removed the hood from his head. His head was pretty scary.

His Left half was all red blooded muscles and right half skinny.

"No child, I won't harm you. I am a straight forward ghost I am very uncomplicated." - Ghost

"So that means I can leave?" - Ranger

"Not yet kid, One who comes has to stay for 24 hours in the grave."

"O…Okay" - Ranger

Ranger sat in a corner staring at his watch.

He tried to start a conversation.

"Umm… Mr. Ghost. Please could you tell me your name sir?"

The ghost had his back towards Ranger and was reading a book.

He turned and said, "Cage; Rilley Cage. And yours young fella?" - Rilley

"I am Ranger"

"So; I really want to know what's your story and how did you become a ghost."

"Hmmm… Well… It was this nice time in Malaysia" he started narrating and Ranger listened carefully; every little detail.

"I was a simple man living in Malaysia with my wife and two handsome sons. I had no arguments, no grudges, and no loans to payback. I was a harmonious person and the most faithful person in Malaysia. I even got an award for that. But until that award turned into a disaster for me.

I was reading newspaper while having tea at 8:03am sharp. When that letter arrived"

"What was in that letter?" Asked Ranger impatiently.

"It said there were terrorists in Malaysia. It said that they were hiding in a settlement near I lived. They requested me to help."

"But how could you help?" interrupted Ranger who was in deep interest with the story by now.

"Wait kiddo. You seem to be a very anxious little fella." - Rilley

"It told me to enter the settlement and bomb it using grenade. It also said that there would be innocent people around; but it had to be done. The people would not be counted as dead but martyrs.

I was proud that the army and government had chosen me to do this job."

"But why you?" - Ranger

"Because I was the most faithful one and even the terrorists wouldn't doubt me" - Rilley

"Oh, I see." - Ranger

"I did as it said and eventually and secretly grenade was supplied to me. I went to the settlement and did as instructed. I removed the pin and tried to throw the grenade but how much I tried it just wouldn’t come out of my pocket. So in order to complete my task I had only one thing to do. I jumped on the terrorists who were luckily in the same room that time and then BOOM!!!"

"Well but then why did you become a ghost? I read that people with unfulfilled desires became ghosts. But your desire was fulfilled."

"My case is different Ranger. I went to heaven and the gatekeeper said I had done a sin of killing. So I went to hell but the gatekeeper replied that I had done a good deed by obeying government and killing terrorists.

So I had no place to go but return to earth."

"Ok. But how come I came here?" - Ranger

"I live underground and my house is made of stone. And today is my birthday and on my every birthday this room rises and eventually sinks again. The rock you stumbled on was my room's part and they path to enter my room. But since thirteen years you are the first one to come."

Suddenly the clock struck. 24 hours were over.

"Time to leave." - Rilley

And Ranger just out of nowhere found himself to be lying on the road. He thought it was a dream but the stone still lay there slowly sinking.

"Finally I got a topic to write on!!" - Ranger

And then those magical words echoed in his mind -

"After all, all that happens, is for good"

Thank you

By - Likhit Choudhary


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