
Secrets In The Shadows

Chapter 3: A Deadly Discovery The next morning, Jenna woke up early and decided to explore the town of Ravenswood. She wandered through the streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the small town. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, as if someone was following her. Jenna decided to head back home for breakfast, hoping to find some clues about the missing pages of her grandfather's journal. As she searched the room where she had found the journal, she noticed a small hidden compartment in the nightstand drawer. Inside, she found a faded photograph of a young woman and a newspaper article about a murder that had taken place in the town over thirty years ago. The article described how a young woman had been found dead in the woods just outside of town. The police had never been able to solve the case, and the killer had never been found. Jenna felt a chill run down her spine as she read the article. Was this what her grandfather had been hiding

Secrets In The Shadows

Chapter 1: Welcome to your Nightmare Jenna had always been fascinated by crime novels and murder mysteries. She loved nothing more than curling up with a good book and trying to solve the mystery before the protagonist did. So when her family moved to the small town of Ravenswood, she was excited to start a new chapter in her life and maybe even find some inspiration for her writing. As they drove down the deserted country road, Jenna felt a thrill of excitement mixed with apprehension. Ravenswood was not like any other small town she had seen before. The houses were old and creaky, the streets were poorly lit, and there was an eerie silence that hung over the place. Her parents had inherited a small bed and breakfast from her grandfather, who had passed away recently. They thought it would be a good idea to move there and start a new business. Jenna, on the other hand, was not so sure. As they pulled up to the bed and breakfast, Jenna's apprehension turned to full-blown fear. The
  The Zombie Train Note -  There are going to be two versions of this story, this is the unfiltered write-up (brain-to-paper kind of.) The other version is going to be a filtered version with a lot more build-up. I thought of just sharing this version to get opinions for the final version. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I t had been too over two hours waiting for the train. Rahee was getting restless. Suddenly she saw rumbling of the tracks. Two bright yellow lights peeked through the tunnel. They were getting closer She got scared and backed a step. It then stopped. It was the train. Finally after two hours the train was finally there. It was roughly 3:00am. She got onto the train and walked through the dark train corridor with no lights turned on. The place was awfully quiet. Even though the train was at full capacity she felt no presence. She was exhauste
Letter 3 - The Orphan Letter Backline :- Letter from an orphan (Read on to know to whom.) Ritesh sir was walking in the corridor of their orphanage. He was a generous man and devoted his whole life in making an orphanage and today he was successful. He went to the small mandir they had in the ashram. He bowed down and was about to leave but his sight was caught by a small envelope. Which had something written on it. Ritesh sir picked up the envelope. It said, "FROM SHRAM" Shram was a new boy in the orphanage. Sir opened the letter. It said - Dear God, 2nd February, 2019 I am Shram. I am 11 years old. I don’t have your address but everyone says you come to this mandir often. Hence I am putting this letter here. Why god why? Why did you take my parents away? Everyone I ask that where are my parents they say they have gone to the gods. But you should do your own work, why take others for your work? My mom said always do your own work or god will give you punishment. I feel so sa
Letter 2 - The Run away Letter Backline - A Letter by a girl to her guardians. (People who looked after her after her parents passed away) She claims her freedom and does not want to be pressurized and hence has run away by the torture to pursue her dreams. Dear Chacha, 1st March, 1920 You have taken good care of me; but troubled me more. But now is enough. I have never been able to speak the truth to you in the fear of you beating me. For 12 years, that is 4380 days I have been eating one burnt chapati and salt less sabji. Today I am free and I would really like you to know what all I have suffered from. After papa and ma died you took me only because I was pretty. You force me to study all day, "Become a doctor it will pay good." you say. But is everything money? I am pretty sure for a man like you it is. But everyone is not like you and thus I am going to explore the world with better people than you. You want to get me married and get a lot of dowry. But who marries an
Letter 1 - The Kashmir Boy Letter backline :- A very brave, honest and obedient soldier is stuck in Kashmir due to Kashmir conflict which was a territorial conflict over the Kashmir region, primarily between India and Pakistan, with China playing a third-party role in 1947 after independence and this is his letter written to his parents on 13th January and received on 9th February. Dear Father & Mother, 13th January, 1947 Namaste. How are you baba ? Hope you are fine. Did you take amma to hospital? Dad, I am sorry to inform but my holiday has been cancelled. I know… It's the 3­rd time my holiday has been cancelled. But baba as you always say… "उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि" Our camp is in the hills of Kashmir. The view here is beautiful. Snow covered mountains reaching for the skies. Wild fruit trees with inedible yet very beautiful fruits. Wolfs, foxes, snow dogs are quite often and I even have two dogs which I made friends with. In this journey to Kashmir I w
👻👻 Ghosts Fact Or Fiction 👻👻 Ranger is a developing writer. He is reading and learning and writing and just loves to do it. Just like he always did he was reading a book by 'The Nick Samson' and was kind of lost in it and to finish off he read the last sentence of the book - "After all, all that happens is for good." 'Mr. Samson is probably right.' Thought Ranger. 'A human must see good in everything and the same fact keeps people happy.' But the problem was he couldn't think of a topic to write on. Anyways, Ranger left the house to have a stroll, after all he was tired sitting as he finished the book in one go. He was carrying his gold plated pen which his mom had gifted him on his birthday. Ranger felt too proud to have a gold pen and hung it on his shirt's pocket. But he didn't see the problems coming. A chain snatcher's eye caught the glamorous look of the pen and he made an attempt to snatch t